Consonant Vowel Consonant (CVC) is a three letter word positioned in this particular order. They are words that follow simple phonics rules due to the fact that each letter makes its sound. CVC words must contain at least an (a,e,i,o,or u). Examples are (hat, hen, fig, dog, and mud). When teaching CVC words it is important to focus on the phonemic awareness of it. Some words are nonsense words; which has no meaning and others are actual words with meaning that will be discovered in everyday reading. I value this skill because I’ve encountered that the earlier you get kids learning how to decode words, the more successful they will be in all other subject areas. It is the key to reading and a fundamental base to establishing the concept of decoding. This method is an essential skill to acquire when reading because it builds the framework of learning. When students are not able to obtain this skill, it will hinder them from being successful in their academic journey. Let us begin by establishing the basic concepts of what consonants are. The basic speech sound when the breath is a bit obstructed and can be merged with a vowel to create a syllable.

Consonant Vowel Consonant

These are CVC Task cards that are designed to assist in decoding words. Students can use all types of manipulatives of their choice to mark each letter to make the words that matches with picture above. As each letter is found, make the sound and try putting the sounds together to form a word. For this example, magnetic letters were used to demonstrate the formation of each sound and letter recognition. It is crucial to hear the phonemes of individual letters in order to acquire the skill and knowledge of consonant vowel consonant words.

In Ladybug Spelling CVC Words activity, students will identify each picture by calling it out. They will then listen for the sound for each word. In order to create the correct word that matches each picture, letters will be dragged from the ladybug to the right of the picture. The purpose is to make sure that each phoneme for the word is placed in the correct order.

In this CVC Bingo game, a alphabet die is rolled. Students will search for the letter on the bingo card and cover the letter if they have it. The game continues until enough letters is covered to form a CVC word. For instance, if the letters (c,a,t) is covered, then students will find the picture that matches the word and place it on the side of the bingo card. There are four CVC words indicated on each bingo card. When all four words are found with its four matching pictures, then the student will call out “bingo”.